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Five steps to muscle recovery

Get yourself back in shape for your next workout faster with these tips
Top-up with cinnamon:

Half a teaspoon twice a day in coffee reduces muscle inflammation.

Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Maryland, US

Have a Brazilian:

Tea, that is. It reduces pain and swelling like ibuprofen. Drink 2-3 cups the day before a workout for faster recovery
Newcastle University

Go hot and cold:

Take your muscles from one limit to the other to enhance your recovery. Press an ice pack against your sore muscle for a minute, then submerge it in hot water for a minute. Alternate 12 times to be ready for your next muscle-blast.

Australian Institute of Sport

Avoid the sauna:

It may be relaxing, but making your way to the hot room straight after resistance or weight training can impair your performance for days after.

Mark Verstegen, fitness author

Drink tea:

A compound in your cuppa triggers insulin secretion, which lowers the amount of sugar in red blood cells. Sip a cup of black tea after your workout to reduce blood pressure by more than 40%.

Peter Ellis, King’s College London

Five steps to muscle recovery Reviewed by g on 6/29/2013 08:10:00 AM Rating: 5

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