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How to Lose Weight and Keep It off Forever

Let's get started losing weight quickly and safely. Follow these steps and you will never be overweight again. The amount of weight you can lose and keep off is totally up to you.

1.Buy a new diary or notebook to record everything relating to your new weight loss program. Use a dated daily appointment book with a lot of space for each day. Make notes each day on all the food you eat. Write down the time spent exercising and type of exercise done. This will keep you on track to ensure that you exercise and eat the right food. Then when you weigh yourself and take new measurements you can make a good assessment if your plan is working. If you aren't achieving the results you want you can make small changes. You can use your notebook to track your progress or you can try using an online diet planner.

2.Weigh yourself and decide how much weight you want to lose. Write down your targeted weight. Weigh yourself once every three days.

3.Measure yourself . Take measurements of your bust, waist, abdomen, hips, thighs, calves, and ankles. Take new measurements only once a month.

4.Take a multivitamin.

5.Make a menu to cover the next week. Make a list of the foods you need from the grocery store. Buy a variety of fruits and vegetables fresh or frozen. Be sure the frozen fruits do not have any added sugar and the vegetables do not have butter or cream sauces. Canned vegetables are a good choice too. Chicken and fish are important because they are heart healthy too.

6.When you prepare a meal, cook enough to cover two meals. Eat half and freeze the rest for another day. If you do this on regular basis you will always have a prepared meal ready to be thawed and eaten. Most foods can be frozen for about a week without altering the taste. So be sure you date it when you freeze it.

7.Drink plenty of water or flavored water ( 0 calorie choices please).

8.Exercise daily.

9.Pack some healthy snacks to keep in your car or desk in case you get hungry in between meals. Keep pretzels, low fat crackers, and water in your car to keep you from splurging on a doughnut, candy bar, or soda to kill the hunger pains.

10.Now get started to look and feel your best.

How to Lose Weight and Keep It off Forever Reviewed by g on 6/28/2013 10:19:00 AM Rating: 5

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