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How to Lose Weight as a Young Adult

If you have looked for many weight loss diets or plans, you will notice that they all seem to want you to cut out your favorite foods, waste time counting calories, and exercise so often you'll be a shell after a week. They don't work. I'll only start this. If you want to add something, go ahead.


1.Eat more meals. You don't have to eat six or seven meals every day, but eat three meals a day with a small snack in between. In fact, personal trainer Ryan Wilson recommends this simple change in your lifestyle. This accelerates your metabolism causing your body to burn more calories on its own.

2.Exercise more often. It's been said before, that the more active you are, the more you need to eat. It is a known fact that your body needs energy to operate. Your bodies fat cells store the nutrients that you failed to use. For example, if you eat two large pepperoni pizzas a day, but only run a half mile, you'll gain weight. Gold medalist Michael Phelps once ate three omelets and toast for breakfast before winning the 4 x 100 meter dash.

3.Eat a balance of good and bad fats. Good fats can be found in nuts, eggs, and seeds. Bad fats are saturated fats. Avoid trans fats at all costs, because these tend to cause you to gain the most weight. Carbohydrates provide a large amount of energy, so when you eat something with a ton of carbohydrates, be sure to push your self that extra half mile on the track, or make yourself do a few extra reps of pushups.

4.Track your process. By setting goals and deadline for yourself, you make yourself want to exercise. Posting your weight loss on social networking sites like Facebook makes you feel proud of yourself and the positive feedback will make you feel even better.


  • Weight loss should be a rewarding experience, not a torturing one. If you feel that your current plan is too much for you, cut back. If you don't, you may face serious mental and physical problems.
  • When planning your meals, try to cook them yourself as often as you can. This allows you to know what's being put inside your body.
How to Lose Weight as a Young Adult Reviewed by g on 6/28/2013 09:35:00 AM Rating: 5

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