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How to Lose Weight With Water

Drinking water can be a useful tool in a dieter’s arsenal when weight loss is a goal. Follow the steps below to learn how to lose weight with water.

Follow the water diet:

1.Drink water throughout the day. Drinking water during the day can help keep you feeling full without consuming high-calorie coffees and snacks. You may also eat less when you do have a snack, as you should already have the sensation of being full. Consuming fewer calories on a daily basis can help speed weight loss.

2.Drink a glass of water before every meal. In several studies of weight loss in overweight adults, those who drank water before eating a meal regularly consumed fewer calories and saw improved weight loss results.

  • The effect of water on meal calorie consumption has been shown to be more effective in older adults than in young adults. Regardless of your age, if you use water before a meal to increase weight loss, do not forget to monitor quantities and calorie intake of your food as well.
  • Some reports of the water diet recommend drinking a full glass of water before, during, and after a meal to aid digestion and speed weight loss from the water.
3.Replace sweetened drinks with water. Instead of drinking soda, alcoholic beverages, smoothies, or other high-calorie drinks, grab a glass or bottle of water.

  • Swapping in a zero-calorie beverage for high-calorie alternatives can spare you hundreds of calories per day, further aiding in weight loss.

4.Drink cold water to speed your metabolism. In a study on water-induced thermogenesis, researchers found that drinking water caused an increase in energy expenditure in both men and women, likely caused by the body’s efforts to warm the water to body temperature.

  • In the study, men burned fats to provide the energy to warm the water, and women burned carbohydrates.
  • The effects of elevated metabolism began about 10 minutes after consuming the water and peaked at 30-40 minutes after drinking.
5.Match any alcohol consumption with equal amounts of water. This matched fluid intake should not count toward your daily water intake, according to the Water Diet. Any water you drink to match alcohol should be in addition to your daily water goal.

6.Drink water and cut salt intake to lose water weight. Reducing the amount of dietary salt you consume (by cutting table salt, canned or frozen foods, and lunch meat from your diet) can help you lose water weight quickly, particularly when combined with an increase in daily water intake.

7.Follow a short water detox diet. Water detox and diet plans often include short periods that involve significant fluid intake to flush toxins from the system and reduce bloating.

  • Consider a plan like the Sassy Water anti-bloat diet jumpstart, which involves drinking an entire pitcher of specially flavored water each day for 4 days at the beginning of a diet plan.
  • Water detox plans also typically promote foods naturally high in water, such as watermelon, soups, and leafy green vegetables.
8.Combine a calorie-restricted diet and a water diet. Drinking 16 ounces of water before each meal and limiting daily calorie intake (1200 for women and 1500 for men) can jumpstart weight loss and help dieters maintain weight loss successfully for up to a year.

Follow the water fast:

1.Try replacing a single meal with pure water. If you have never fasted, take small steps to prepare your body for the challenge of fasting.

2.Try a 24-hour water fast. Prepare for 7 days before a 24-hour fast. Start by removing foods and drinks high in sugar, fat, and caffeine 7 days before you intend to begin your water fast.

3.Replace unhealthy foods with lean proteins, salads, and fresh produce. Increase your water intake each day until you are comfortable consuming at least a half-gallon each day.

4.Consider taking herbal supplements or finding a safe water additive to balance electrolytes. Although the water fast does not permit sweeteners or solid food during the fast, it often recommends prune supplements or natural salts to prevent water intoxication.

5.Sip unsweetened green tea for breakfast and seltzer water for lunch. Any time you feel discomfort or hunger pains, drink additional water. Add a squeeze of fresh lime juice to the green tea or seltzer to add some flavor if desired.

  • Instead of working water diet techniques into your daily routine to lose weight, consider following a water fast. Although water fasts can be controversial and even dangerous when not carefully monitored, many people who have tried a water fast claim it is helpful in flushing toxins from the body, regulating the digestive tract, restoring energy, and jumpstarting significant weight loss. Proper water balance in the human body is essential to the flow of electrolytes across cell boundaries, circulation of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, flushing out waste and toxins through the liver and kidneys, regulating the digestive tract, and regulating body temperature. Without sufficient hydration, the body’s tissues, cells, and organs are not able to function appropriately and may inhibit weight loss. Severe dehydration can cause organ failure and death. Staying properly hydrated with water is essential to good health and simple weight loss.
  • If you are an endurance athlete, ask a health professional about appropriate quantities of water to drink during exercise; he or she may recommend alternating water with a sports drink containing electrolytes.
  • Alternatively, you can follow a Water Diet that emphasizes significant increases in water intake without necessarily requiring exercise or food changes to lose weight. Although these diets can be risky if you do not have sufficient mineral and electrolyte intake, they are otherwise free and easy to follow. For some people, they can result in significant weight loss.
  • Research has demonstrated that relative and absolute increases in the amount of water drunk each day can improve weight loss results among dieters. Try increasing your daily water intake to meet or slightly exceed recommended daily amounts. Typical daily water intake recommendations are 3.7 liters per day for adult men and 2.7 liters per day for adult women, from all sources (drinking water, other beverages, and foods).
  • Increasing water intake or water dieting will be most effective at boosting weight loss when combined with an exercise plan and a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Increasing your fluid intake may also cause you to require more frequent trips to the restroom, so plan for regular access.
  • It is possible to drink too much water, which can cause an electrolyte imbalance, kidney damage, and death. Do not drink water to excess or replace meals with water without careful replacement of electrolytes.

How to Lose Weight With Water Reviewed by g on 6/28/2013 09:30:00 AM Rating: 5

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